“Experience.com is our go-to solution for conveying customer sentiments far and wide.”

Experience.com empowers businesses to build stronger relationships. This case study explores how Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. (PRMI), a leading mortgage lender, leveraged Experience.com’s platform to gather valuable feedback from their network of real estate agents, ultimately strengthening their partnerships and driving business growth.

Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. is a powerhouse in the mortgage industry, boasting over 200 branches across 41 states. Their commitment to exceptional service extends beyond just their clients. They recognize the crucial role real estate agents play in the loan process and actively seek to foster strong, mutually beneficial partnerships.

The Challenge:

Despite facilitating hundreds of transactions monthly, PRMI identified a gap in their approach. They lacked a systematic way to gather feedback on customer satisfaction. As a result, they weren’t maximizing their partnerships with buyers and sellers agents, and they weren’t gathering valuable insights on how their loan officers could do better.

This data could provide insights into loan officer performance and identify areas for improvement, ultimately leading to a more streamlined and satisfying experience for all parties involved.

Experience with Experience.com: A Collaborative Approach

Experience.com provided the perfect solution in PRMI’s goal to strengthen their network. Experience.com’s Experience Management Platform’s functionality perfectly aligned with the company’s objectives, enabling them to launch a comprehensive, company-wide campaign targeting all loan officers’ partners and strengthening mortgage lender partnerships. This multifaceted initiative aimed to achieve three key objectives:

Mortgage lender feedback campaign results
  • Quality of Service: 

The campaigns evaluated partners’ experiences by asking specific questions about the loan officer’s professionalism, timeliness, service quality, and communication skills. This approach ensured a comprehensive assessment of the loan officer’s performance, helping identify areas for improvement and recognize outstanding service.

  • Referral Gathering: 

By strategically soliciting referrals through referral management tools for mortgage lenders, the campaign aimed to identify other agents who could benefit from partnering with PRMI. This initiative not only expanded the network but also leveraged existing relationships to foster growth and collaboration within the industry.

  • Partnership Building: 

In addition to service quality and referrals, the campaigns explored future collaboration opportunities. Partners were asked how they envision working together with the loan officers moving forward. This included a request for loan officers to write reviews for the agents, fostering stronger relationships and reinforcing the foundation for continued partnership.

Quantifiable Results: A Win-Win Situation

The campaign’s success speaks volumes. 

Within a month, PRMI received over 150 responses from agents. After five months, that number has grown to nearly 1,000a testament to the campaign’s effectiveness in engaging PRMI’s valuable partner network.

PRMI and Experience.com partnership enhancement

Actionable Insights for Growth

The feedback gleaned from the campaign proved invaluable. 

Loan officers gained crucial insights into areas like timeliness of status updates, allowing them to address concerns and improve communication. Additionally, agents provided clear direction on their preferred methods of collaboration. Notably, requests for more educational events, client appreciation gatherings, and open house partnerships emerged as key areas of focus.

Perhaps the most impactful outcome was the generation of referrals. 

A significant 30% of respondents provided referrals through the campaign, directly connecting PRMI with potential new clients.

As Chris Farrar, Senior Product Manager at PRMI, said himself, “Experience.com is our go-to solution for conveying customer sentiments far and wide. We rely on it to power our Loan Officers’ online presence with frequent updates on customer activity, and publishing information on pages they normally wouldn’t have the time or know-how to update. Experience.com is also a great advisor to us for developing our in-house websites and sharing information between the two platforms.”

Conclusion: Building Lasting Partnerships

PRMI’s success story exemplifies the power of leveraging feedback to strengthen partnerships. By utilizing Experience.com’s platform, PRMI gained valuable insights from their agent network, fostered deeper collaboration, and ultimately secured a steady stream of referrals – a win for both PRMI and their partners.

Want to experience similar results for your company? 

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