
How Axia Home Loans Transformed Online Presence and Lead Generation with

For Axia Home Loans, providing top-notch service to clients isn’t enough—they’re all about pushing boundaries and finding innovative ways to stand out from the crowd. That’s where comes in. In this case study, we’ll dive into how Axia partnered with to boost their online reputation and attract more leads.

Company Overview

Axia Home Loans is a leading full-service mortgage banking firm committed to providing exceptional service and innovative solutions to its clients. With a focus on customer experience and online reputation, Axia continuously seeks avenues to enhance its customer satisfaction and generate quality leads.


- Maralee Jensen: Branch Manager, Producing Loan Officer

Maralee Jensen
Branch Manager, Producing Loan Officer

Deirdre Rogers
Field Success Advisor

Challenges Faced

Axia Home Loans identified the need to boost its online presence and increase lead generation, recognizing that in a competitive market, standing out and capturing the attention of potential clients is extremely vital.

Experience with

Maralee Jensen, a Branch Manager and Producing Loan Officer at Axia, recognized the potential of in improving her Search Rank Score (SRS) and subsequently enhancing her visibility in the local market. Partnering with Wendi Ford from and Deirdre Rogers, the Field Success Advisor at Axia, Maralee embarked on a journey to optimize her online profile.

The pivotal tool in this transformation was’s Search Rank Platform. Through strategic profile completion and optimization, Maralee swiftly ascended to the top position in her local market, on both the Search Rank Platform and Google search, growing her Search Rank Score by almost 100 points within a short span of time.

Especially by leveraging the AI Reply feature in the platform and by powering her profile with robust data, Maralee saw a remarkable transformation in her online engagement, solidifying her reputation as a trusted mortgage Loan Officer in her community.

#1 in her area on’s Search Rank Platform

#1 in her area on Google

The impact of this endeavor was profound. Within just three days, Maralee received her first lead directly from the platform. The client expressed admiration for Maralee’s impressive customer ratings, solidifying the platform’s efficacy in driving quality leads.

Let’s hear what Maralee Jensen says about her experience: 

“Discovering the power of was a game-changer for me. Initially unaware of its significance in the search engine realm, I agreed to a coaching session with Wendi Ford from and Deirdre, our Field Success Advisor. Their guidance opened my eyes to the user-friendly platform’s potential. 

Once I grasped the simplicity and importance of completing my profile to enhance my score levels, I was astounded by the results. In less than three days, I received a legitimate client lead that swiftly entered my pipeline. This success reinforced my gratitude to Axia Home Loans for their foresight in partnering with years ago.

Deirdre Rogers added: 

“Watching Maralee’s enthusiasm for boosting her score and search results was invigorating. Her success story, shared company-wide, served as inspiration for other Loan Officers within Axia, sparking a wave of engagement and optimization efforts.”

Maralee Jensen is currently the number 1 Loan Officer in Spanish Fork, UT, with a Search Rank Score of 504, and a whopping 691 reviews on her profile. Her Total Experience Score – a unique feature calculated based on an aggregate of all reviews and ratings from all connected social profiles – is incredibly impressive, with a 4.99 star rating. She falls within the top professionals on the platform, her profile boasting the exclusive Top 5% banner.

Axia Home Loans’ collaboration with exemplifies the power of leveraging the innovative Search Rank Platform to enhance online visibility and drive lead generation. Maralee’s success story serves as a testament to the effectiveness of strategic optimization and the invaluable support provided by’s team. 

By embracing our unique reputation solutions, Axia Home Loans continues to position itself as a leader in the mortgage industry, delivering exceptional experiences to clients while maximizing business opportunities.

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